Public Holidays

Local Public Holidays The Practice will be closed on the following days:


Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatment by the end of the next working day.

Teenage Friendly

We aim to offer services, which are ‘teenage-friendly’. In summary, these mean that:

  • We welcome teenagers and aim to put them at ease when they come to the practice
  • We can assure teenages (usually aged 12-16) that confidentiality will be maintained if they ask to keep details of their consultations confidential or if they consult us about potentially sensitive issues
  • They are welcome to see a Doctor on their own if they wish and are aged 12-16 – we would however advise them to come with an adult where possible.

Sexual health advice is available, as is advice on other issues such as depression, drugs, alcohol and self-harm and we can advise on emergency contraception if required.

Information link

We have lots of information on our website with links to other helpful sources of information, such as teenagehealthfreak.

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